Setting up a Linux Valheim Server 2
I’m using Ubuntu 20.04.3 x86_64 Setting up a Linux Valheim Server 2: Mods These mods are all BepInEx based. Version dependencies Using a Valheim mod site (Thunderstore or NexusMods), ensure you know what dependencies are required. In my case I had the following mods (as of 2022-01-23) Mod BepInEx Dependencies...
Setting up a Linux Valheim Server 1
I’m using Ubuntu 20.04.3 x86_64. I will not be discussing port forwarding or general server security. Install SteamCMD [https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD][https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD)] Installing Valheim server The Steam app id for Valheim server is 896660 steam@server:~$ steamcmd +force_install_dir ~/valheimserver +login anonymous +app_update 896660 validate +exit Configuring the Valheim server The start_server.sh script will be...
Strcpy Using Stdcall And Int 0x80 Legacy Calling Convention
strcpy using stdcall and int 0x80 legacy calling convention Intro: I will be making a binary that Implements strcpy and strlen without a libc Allocates a single page of dynamic memory Copies a string into that memory See Quick and Dirty Assembly and Pure Binary in Assembly STDCALL Calling conventions...