
Strcpy Using Stdcall And Int 0x80 Legacy Calling Convention

strcpy using stdcall and int 0x80 legacy calling convention


I will be making a binary that

  • Implements strcpy and strlen without a libc
  • Allocates a single page of dynamic memory
  • Copies a string into that memory

See Quick and Dirty Assembly and Pure Binary in Assembly

STDCALL Calling conventions

The calling convention for STDCALL is:

  • Arguments are passed R to L onto the stack (e.g., first argument is pushed last)
  • The callee cleans the stack
  • preserve ebx, esi, edi, ebp, esp

Legacy int 0x80 calling conventions

argument 1 ebx
argument 2 ecx
argument 3 edx
argument 4 esi
argument 5 edi
argument 6 ebp
syscall number eax

NOTE: BSD systems also allow the int 0x80 call with pushing values on the stack, and use the above as an alternate calling convention.

Getting memory with mmap2 syscall

void *mmap2(unsigned long addr, unsigned long length,
            unsigned long prot, unsigned long flags,
            unsigned long fd, unsigned long pgoffset)

Both the flags and prot parameters take constants in C to make our lives easier. We’ll have to look through the Linux source code to find them.

%define PROT_READ 0x1
%define PROT_WRITE 0x2
%define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20
%define MAP_PRIVATE 0x2

Now we plug our parameters into the appropriate registers and call int 0x80

  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, 4096            ; length < page length (4k) results in a page being allocated anyway
  mov edx, PROT_READ
  or edx, PROT_WRITE       ; R/W permissions
  mov esi, MAP_ANONYMOUS
  or esi, MAP_PRIVATE      ; private and not file backed (just allocate memory, don't make it point to a file)
  mov edi, -1              ; no fd
  mov ebp, 0x0             ; no offset
  mov eax, 192             ; syscall 192 is mmap2, 90 is mmap but fails b/c it wants an argument struct
  int 0x80

Calling strcpy

The man page for strcpy gives use the following function definition

char *strcpy(char *restrict dest, const char *src);

The destination will be the freshly mapped memory. After the call to mmap the address of that page of memory is in eax .

To make life easier, I defined a string in the data section for the src parameter.

section .data
str1: db 'this is only a test', 0

Once again, we plug the parameters into the appropriate registers but this time we use call. Since only 2 parameters are needed, the others are ignored.

  push str1
  push eax      ; eax is address from mmap
  call strcpy

Detour into 32 bit function basics


The beginning of a function contains a prologue that does the following

  1. Save off the previous base pointer (required)
  2. Set the stack pointer equal to the current base pointer (required)
  3. Subtract N bytes from the stack pointer for any local variables (if needed)
  4. Save any preserved registers that this function clobbers (if needed)
; prologue example
  push ebp
  mov ebp, esp
  sub esp, 0xC 
  push ebx

The stack after the prologue

Using the ebp as a reference we can access the arguments, saved EIP, and any local variables. Remember the stack grows downward (subtract = using stack space)

; more args here if needed
ebp + 0xC <- argument 2
ebp + 0x8 <- argument 1       
ebp + 0x4 <- Saved EIP
ebp + 0x0 <- Current function's base pointer
ebp - 0x4 <- local var 1
ebp - 0x8 <- local var 2 
; more local vars here if needed
ebp - N*(0x4) <- local var N & <-- ESP


The end of a function contains a epilogue that reverses the prologue

  1. Reset any preserved registers (if needed)
  2. Add N bytes back to stack to “clean” local vars (if needed)
  3. Set stack pointer back to base pointer (required)
  4. Reset previous base pointer (required)
; epilogue example from above example
  pop ebx
  add esp, 0xC
  mov esp, ebp
  pop ebp  

strcpy part 1 - Determining how many bytes to copy

In order to copy the string, we need to know exactly how many bytes the source string is. Calling strlen will give us that length. We have to also clean the stack afterward.


STDCALL functions are name-decorated with a leading underscore, followed by an @, and then the number (in bytes) of arguments passed on the stack. This number will always be a multiple of 4, on a 32-bit aligned machine.

  push ebp
  mov ebp, esp        ; End of prologue, no local vars or clobbered regs

  xor eax,eax

  mov edx, [ebp + 0xC]  ; param 2 src
  push edx
  call strlen
  add esp, 0x4


The man page for strlen gives us the following function definition

size_t strlen(const char *s);

My implementation for strlen does the following:

  1. Clear the eax register, to represent the null character \0
  2. Copy the maximum number of bytes into edx and ecx (4k, and this is cheating)
  3. Search until we find a byte in the string that matches eax
  4. Subtract ecx from edx to get the number of bytes
  5. Return 4 since the CALLEE cleans the stack
  push ebp
  mov ebp, esp
  push ecx
  push edi

  xor eax,eax
  mov ecx, 0x1000
  mov edx, ecx 
  mov edi, [ebp + 0x8]
  repne scasb
  je strlen_done

  sub edx, ecx
  mov eax, edx
  pop edi
  pop ecx
  mov esp, ebp
  pop ebp
  ret 4

The funky line repne scasb is shorthand for:

  • Compare the contents of the al register with the byte at pointed at in rsi, and then increment or decrement the pointer at esi (scasb)
  • Repeat while those bytes are not equal (repne) and ecx is not 0

strcpy part 2 - The copy loop

Now that we have the length, we can make a loop that copies the required bytes over.

  mov ecx, eax
  mov edx, ecx
  mov edi, [ebp + 0x8]  ; param 1 dst
  mov esi, [ebp + 0xC]  ; param 2 src
  rep movsb
  mov esp, ebp
  pop ebp
  ret 8

The line rep movsb is shorthand for:

  • move the byte pointed at by esi into the byte pointed at by edi(movsb)
  • Repeat while ecx is not 0 (rep)

Since I have two 4 byte parameters, I need to issue a ret 8

The final code can be seen