
  • Quick And Dirty Assembly

    Initial page Instruction References AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 3: General Purpose and System Instructions: Intel: NASM and Intel syntax Compile and link without glibc Entry point is _start by default section .text global _start _start: nasm -f elf64 foo.asm -o foo.o ld -m elf_x86_64 -entry=_start...

  • Exploiting ASLR and NX

    For this topic I went with bitterman challenge from CAMP CTF 2015 IDA Opening bitterman in IDA I see local variables for main, and the function prologue making space for what seems like a stack buffer The space allocated for local variables is 0xB0 (176 bytes). argv and argc...

  • Exploiting NX

    For this topic I went with Disassembly I made an effort to ignore the source code and use disassembly to identify the buffer overflow. I set the assembly flavor to be Intel for easier reading. devel@kub:~/challenges/r2libc$ objdump -M intel -d ./ret2libc <snip> 0000000000401176 <vuln>: 401176: f3 0f 1e fa...